martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Mathias Arias Marsella, 2434 dep 25

Dear Mathias, How are you? Long time no see you, is everything all right?. I want to tell you that the last week i went to Paris to see the "Phantom of the opera", The opera was very good and I went with a friend. I'm writing you to tell you that the next when you come to Paris with all your Family I suggest you to go to The see The phantom of The opera. This opera is about a ghost who give fear to the other people, its very interesting. I hope to see you the next month in Marsella. Sincerely, Sebastian

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Description of the photo

This photo shows a crowd of people taking in the street calling for the censor of the famous film called "The last Templetion of Christt". What I was trying to tell people is that this film shows a completely different reality that Christians who follow the Bible are used to, so this caught the attention of many people who felt affected. In a program made ​​by a broadcaster TV overhead, two priests wanted to mention that this movie is just science fiction and has nothing to do with the true story of Jesus witch is written in the Bible.The film was ultimately withdrawn from screens because in our country there was a constant struggle for censure. In other countries like Argentina the movie was not censored because people did not mind the fact that embers showed a different story of God.
I think this movie should not be censored because I do not find it affects Christians, as it is just science fiction and NOT real life. It might bother some but I do not find this reason enoght to build a street protest calling for the censure.

words: 202